PYROprevent methodology prevents the development or spreading of open fires by adding nitrogen to the atmosphere.
Until recently, the focus was to discover a fire as quickly as possible and to extinguish it effectively. Technological progress, careful and meticulous studies during these decades made it possible to greatly reduce the risk of fires in general. However, a new method, based on the depletion of Oxygen, has opened completely new venues for us.
We are now able to create fully protected environments and to completely eliminate the fire hazard by changing the atmosphere within a building by allowing full access to people at the same time.
It is a revolution that finally, after decades of refining and re-inventing fire extinguishing technology again and again, the same maybe obsolete in many cases. Thanks to a radical change of perspective, we now eliminate the possibility of a fire to get started instead of thinking about how to fight the fire.
PYROprevent Hypoxic Fire Prevention System or Hypoxic air technology for fire prevention, also known as oxygen reduction system (ORS), is an active fire protection technique based on a permanent reduction of the oxygen concentration in the protected rooms. Unlike traditional fire suppression systems that usually extinguish fire after it is detected, hypoxic air is able to prevent fire.
The Generated and Controlled Atmosphere Makes Fire Impossible
For a fire to ignite three elements are needed: Heat, combustibles and an oxidizing agent, usually oxygen. When these elements are present and in the right mixture a natural fire will occur. A fire can be prevented or extinguished by removing any one of these elements. Once a fire has started, the exothermic chain reaction sustains the fire and allows it to continue until or unless at least one of the elements of the fire is blocked.
Traditional fire fighting methods either deny the burning fire the oxygen it needs or they lower the temperature of the fuel below the ignition point or by creating a barrier of inert gases thus attacking the chemical reaction responsible for the fire.
With the PYROprevent we actively prevent the combustion process to get started by uninterruptedly reducing the amount of oxygen.
The PYROprevent method, developed by PYROGEN & ISOLCELLl S.p.A., uses electric equipment to generate a reduced-oxygen atmosphere, using molecular separation. Its environmentally-friendly and energy-efficient process increases the nitrogen-to-oxygen ratio in the air to generate a reduced-oxygen atmosphere in which fires cannot start.
Perfect Protection by PYROprevent in the Most Environmentally Friendly Way
When we talk about the air we breath we often and falsely talk about oxygen. In fact, the air we breath consists of 78,08 Vol.% of nitrogen und only 20,95 Vol.% of oxygen (0,93 Vol.% Argon and 0,04 Vol.% CO2). This ratio between nitrogen and oxygen is the same all over the world, high up in the mountains or low down at the sea. The food every fire needs to burn is the oxygen supplied by nature. By modifying the atmosphere and changing the ration between these two ingredients PYROprevent Hypoxic Fire Prevention System denies the fire enough “food” to get established.
The changed ratio has got the equivalent effect to human beings as a stay in high altitude or when travelling by plane as the lower air pressure drives the molecules apart and the amount of oxygen inhaled with every breath is less than in lower atmospheres.
Pressurized aircraft cabins are typically maintained at 75kPa, the pressure found at 2500 m altitude, resulting in an oxygen partial pressure of about 16 kPa, which is the same as a 15% oxygen concentration in a hypoxic-air application at sea-level pressure.
PYROprevent Hypoxic air fire prevention systems can also be used for purposes other than fire prevention, for example:
- High altitude training
- Health
- Preserving artifacts and objects from degradation or oxidation
- Preserving food from deterioration, commonly known as modified atmosphere packaging.
Combining fire prevention, indoor climate and reduction of artefacts/food degradation is a completely new approach for a fire safety system.
- UL 67377 - Oxygen Reduction Fire Prevention System Units
- BSI PAS 95:2011 - Hypoxic air fire prevention systems. Specification
- VdS 3527en:2007 - Inerting and Oxygen Reduction Systems, Planning and Installation
- ÖNORM F 3073 - Planning, engineering, assembly, commissioning and servicing of oxygen reduction systems
- ÖNORM F 3007 - Oxygen reduction system
- ÖNORM F 3008 - Oxygen reduction system – CIE UNIT control unit
- EN 16750:2017 - Fixed firefighting systems - Oxygen reduction systems - Design, installation, planning and maintenance
- TRVB S 155 - Engineering, installation and operation requirements for oxygen reduction systems using nitrogen in buildings from a fire prevention technology standpoint
- Italian Ministerial Circular (Protocol no. 0007059 of 21 May 2012)
- Consolidated Law, Decree of 3 August 2015 "Approval of technical standards for fire prevention, pursuant to article 15 of Italian Legislative Decree 139 of 8 March 2006, published on 20 August 2015 in the Italian Official Gazette
For more information regarding PYROprevent Hypoxic Fire Prevention System, Reach out to us via info@tvpn.co.id or 021 26080740 and you’ll receive a prompt reply from our representative.