TVPN.ID » Sistem Deteksi & Notifikasi Kebakaran » SYSTEM SENSOR Produk Alarm Kebakaran » SYSTEM SENSOR 5600 Series Heat Detector
Detektor Panas Kenaikan Suhu / Tetap (Conventional Rate of Rise / Fixed Temperature Heat Detector)
SYSTEM SENSOR 5600 series offers a full-line of configurations to accommodate a broad range of applications. Both single- and dual-circuit models are available for low- and high-temperature ratings with either fixed temperature or combination fixed temperature/rate-of-rise (ROR) activation. The ROR element of the fixed/ROR models is restorable to accommodate field-testing.
- Multiple configurations for installations:
- Single- and dual-circuit models
- Fixed temp and combination fixed- temp/rate-of-rise 135°F or 194°F ratings.
- Plain housing for residential installations (Model 5601P)
- Easy-to-use terminal screws
- A broad range of back box mounting options:
- Single gang
- 3.5˝ and 4˝ Octagonal
- 4˝ square with square to round plaster ring
- Reversible mounting bracket
- Visual identification
- UL Listed
- FM Approved