NOTIFIER ISO-X Fault Isolator Module

distributor indonesia honeywell notifier fire alarm system
isolator module


Modul Isolator Korsleting Perangkat (Fault Isolator Module)


NOTIFIER ISO-X Fault Isolator Module is used with Notifier Onyx and CLIP series Fire Alarm Control Panels (FACP) to protect the system against wire-to-wire short circuits on the SLC loops.

The ISO-X Fault Isolator Module should be spaced between groups of sensors in a loop to protect the rest of the loop. Use to isolate short circuit problems within a section of a loop so that other sections can continue to operate normally. The ISO-X supports a maximum of 25 devices in-between isolators, except when using relay bases or legacy IPX multisensors.

  • Powered by SLC loop directly, no external power required.
  • Integral LED blinks to indicate normal condition. Illuminates steady when short circuit condition is detected.
  • High noise (EMF/RFI) immunity.
  • Wide viewing angle of LED.
  • Opens SLC loop automatically on detection of short, preventing the short from causing failure of the entire loop.
  • Automatically resets on correction of short.
  • UL Listed
  • FM Approved